Note: Contacts records are stored within our system using the email address as the key. A single record per email address is stored per account. Email address and all standard contact fields are are stored at the account level. This means that changes to the standard contact fields of an existing contact will be made globally wherever the contact is present. For more information:
The following API calls are currently available for the Contact sub-object:
GET LIST - Get a list of all of your contacts for the specified survey and campaign.
Parameters | Example | Required |
Authentication Credentials | api_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345 | True |
page | page=3 | False |
resultsperpage | resultsperpage=100 | False |
Response Example (.debug format):
Array ( [result_ok] => 1 [total_count] => 55000 [page] => 1 [total_pages] => 1100 [results_per_page] => 50 [data] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 100030864 [semailaddress] => [sfirstname] => First [slastname] => Last [sorganization] => Organization [sdepartment] => Department [shomephone] => 123-456-7891 [sfaxphone] => [sbusinessphone] => [smailingaddress] => 123 Main St [smailingaddress2] => [smailingaddresscity] => Anycity [smailingaddressstate] => CO [smailingaddresscountry] => US [smailingaddresspostal] => 12345 [stitle] => [surl] => [scustomfield1] => [scustomfield2] => [scustomfield3] => [scustomfield4] => [scustomfield5] => [scustomfield6] => [scustomfield7] => [scustomfield8] => [scustomfield9] => [scustomfield10] => [estatus] => Active [esubscriberstatus*] => Unsent ) . . . . [49] => Array ( [id] => 100030864 [semailaddress] => [sfirstname] => First [slastname] => Last [sorganization] => Organization [sdepartment] => Department [shomephone] => 123-456-7891 [sfaxphone] => [sbusinessphone] => [smailingaddress] => 123 Main St [smailingaddress2] => [smailingaddresscity] => Anycity [smailingaddressstate] => CO [smailingaddresscountry] => US [smailingaddresspostal] => 12345 [stitle] => [surl] => [scustomfield1] => [scustomfield2] => [scustomfield3] => [scustomfield4] => [scustomfield5] => [scustomfield6] => [scustomfield7] => [scustomfield8] => [scustomfield9] => [scustomfield10] => [estatus] => Active [esubscriberstatus] => Unsent ) ) )
esubscriberstatus is a combination of status log response status and send status. It returns 1 of 5 values:
- Unsent
- Sent
- Bounced
- Partial - Link clicked and at least one page submitted
- Complete - Link clicked and response completed
GET CONTACT - Get a information about a specified contact.
Parameters | Example | Required |
Authentication Credentials | api_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345 | True |
Response Example (.debug format):
Array ( [result_ok] => 1 [data] => Array ( [id] => 100030864 [semailaddress] => [sfirstname] => [slastname] => [sorganization] => [sdepartment] => [shomephone] => [sfaxphone] => [sbusinessphone] => [smailingaddress] => [smailingaddress2] => [smailingaddresscity] => [smailingaddressstate] => [smailingaddresscountry] => [smailingaddresspostal] => [stitle] => [surl] => [scustomfield1] => [scustomfield2] => [scustomfield3] => [scustomfield4] => [scustomfield5] => [scustomfield6] => [scustomfield7] => [scustomfield8] => [scustomfield9] => [scustomfield10] => [estatus] => Active [esubscriberstatus*] => Unsent ) )
*esubscriberstatus is a combination of status log response status and send status. It returns 1 of 5 values:
- Unsent
- Sent
- Bounced
- Partial - Link clicked and at least one page submitted
- Complete - Link clicked and response completed
CREATE CONTACT - Create a new contact.
Parameters | Example | Required |
Authentication Credentials | api_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345 | True |
semailaddress | | True |
sfirstname | Firstname | False |
slastname | Lastname | False |
sorganization | Organization | False |
sdivision | Division | False |
sdepartment | Department | False |
steam | Team | False |
sgroup | Group | False |
srole | Role | False |
shomephone | 123-456-7890 | False |
sfaxphone | 123-456-7890 | False |
sbusinessphone | 123-456-7890 | False |
smailingaddress | 123 Main St | False |
smailingaddress2 | Suite 100 | False |
smailingaddresscity | Anycity | False |
smailingaddressstate | CO | False |
smailingaddresscountry | US | False |
smailingaddresspostal | 12345 | False |
stitle | Title | False |
surl | | False |
scustomfield1-10* | custom field data 1-10 | False |
custom[ID]† | custom[15]=value | False |
estatus | Active, Inactive | False |
allowdupe | true | False |
*These are the custom fields 1-10 that are available as part of the email campaign contact list.
†These are the custom fields that are available as part of the account email lists. Learn how to get the ID number for custom fields.
UPDATE CONTACT - Update a specified contact.
Parameters | Example | Required |
Authentication Credentials | api_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345 | True |
semailaddress | | False |
sfirstname | Firstname | False |
slastname | Lastname | False |
sorganization | Organization | False |
sdivision | Division | False |
sdepartment | Department | False |
steam | Team | False |
sgroup | Group | False |
srole | Role | False |
shomephone | 123-456-7890 | False |
sfaxphone | 123-456-7890 | False |
sbusinessphone | 123-456-7890 | False |
smailingaddress | 123 Main St | False |
smailingaddress2 | Suite 100 | False |
smailingaddresscity | Anycity | False |
smailingaddressstate | CO | False |
smailingaddresscountry | US | False |
smailingaddresspostal | 12345 | False |
stitle | Title | False |
surl | | False |
scustomfield1-10* | custom field data 1-10 | False |
custom[ID]† | custom[15]=value | False |
estatus‡ | Active, Inactive | False |
*These are the custom fields 1-10 that are available as part of the email campaign contact list.
†These are the custom fields that are available as part of the account email lists. Learn how to get the ID number for custom fields.
‡Updating the contact status to "Inactive" will unsubscribe the contact from the email campaign.
DELETE CONTACT - Delete a specified contact.
Parameters | Example | Required |
Authentication Credentials | api_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345 | True |
Response Example (.debug format):
[result_ok] => 1
Getting Custom Field ID from Email Lists
Go to Account > Email Lists and click the link to Manage Custom Fields in the bottom left. With a web-developer tool installed on your browser right click on the desired field and click Inspect Element. This will give you the details for this field. What you are looking for is the name field. It will look like the below. The number is all you need for either a PUT or a POST.