SurveyTheme Object v5

The following API calls are currently available for the SurveyTheme object:

GET LIST - Get a list of all themes in your account's theme library.

Note: Get requests will cache for 60 seconds. If you make repeated API get requests that are identical, the return will be cached and will thus return identical results.
Authentication Credentialsapi_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345

Response Example (.json format):

  "result_ok": true,
  "data": {
    "68962": {
      "id": 68962,
      "status": "Active",
      "created": null,
      "name": "BlueGray Theme",
      "style_options": {
        "custom-head": "",
        "theme_version": "2",
        "header image url": "",
        "image align": "0 auto 0 0",
        "img width": "100",
        "img width max": "100",
        "body background opacity": "1",
        "background image style": "tile",
        "body background color": "#2a98bd",
        "background grad orient": "vertical",
        "header background color": "#bcbcbc",
        "header background opacity": "1",
        "page background color": "#e9e9e9",
        "accent": "#ff9a00",
        "accent text": "#000000",
        "title font family": "Montserrat",
        "title font size": "36px",
        "title font weight": "400",
        "header text color": "#424242",
        "base font family": "Arial",
        "base font size": "14px",
        "base font weight": "400",
        "base font color": "#424242",
        "survey title": "true",
        "title align": "left",
        "page title": "true",
        "page title align": "left",
        "page description": "true",
        "question numbers": "true",
        "required ast": "true",
        "question border": "true",
        "back button": "true",
        "progress bar": "true",
        "survey width number": "80",
        "survey width unit": "%",
        "page width number": "100",
        "page width unit": "%",
        "survey round corner number": "0",
        "question title": "true",
        "survey width": "80%",
        "page width": "100%",
        "powered by": "false",
        "auto mobile": "false",
        "so-masthead-image-show": "false",
        "replace icons": "true",
        "custom-head checked": false,
        "theme_version checked": false,
        "header image url checked": false,
        "image align checked": false,
        "img width checked": false,
        "img width max checked": false,
        "body background opacity checked": false,
        "background image style checked": false,
        "body background color checked": false,
        "background grad orient checked": false,
        "header background color checked": false,
        "header background opacity checked": false,
        "page background color checked": false,
        "accent checked": false,
        "accent text checked": false,
        "title font family checked": false,
        "title font size checked": false,
        "title font weight checked": false,
        "header text color checked": false,
        "base font family checked": false,
        "base font size checked": false,
        "base font weight checked": false,
        "base font color checked": false,
        "survey title checked": false,
        "title align checked": false,
        "page title checked": false,
        "page title align checked": false,
        "page description checked": false,
        "question numbers checked": false,
        "required ast checked": false,
        "question border checked": false,
        "back button checked": false,
        "progress bar checked": false,
        "survey width number checked": false,
        "survey width unit checked": false,
        "page width number checked": false,
        "page width unit checked": false,
        "survey round corner number checked": false,
        "question title checked": false,
        "survey width checked": false,
        "page width checked": false,
        "powered by checked": false,
        "auto mobile checked": false,
        "so-masthead-image-show checked": false,
        "replace icons checked": false,
        "theme_id": "68551",
        "style mode": "append",
        "theme_upgraded": "",
        "background image": "",
        "background gradient": "",
        "page background opacity": "1",
        "title web font name": "",
        "title web font url": "",
        "base web font name": "",
        "base web font url": "",
        "page top margin": "",
        "comment width": "",
        "table header width": "",
        "column width": ""
      "Body": "<!-- Google Font -->\n<link href='//,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>\n \n  <div class=\"sg-wrapper\">\n\t<div class=\"sg-header\">\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-header-hook-1\"></div>\n\t\t<img class=\"sg-header-image\" src=\"[template(\"header image url\")]\" alt=\"[template(\"header image text\")]\"/>\n\n\t\t[template(\"survey title\")]\n\t\t\n\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-header-hook-2\"></div>\n\t</div>\n\t<div class=\"sg-content\">\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-content-hook-1\"></div>\n\n\t\t[template(\"error message\")]\n     \t[template(\"page title\")]\n\t\t[template(\"page description\")]\n\t\t[template(\"page contents\")]\n\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-content-hook-2\"></div>\n\t\t\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-footer\">        \n\t\t\t<div class=\"sg-footer-hook-1\"></div>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t[template(\"button bar\")]\n\t\t\t[template(\"progress bar\")]\n\t\t\t[template(\"footer text\")]\n\t\n\t\t\t<div class=\"sg-footer-hook-2\"></div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\n\t</div>\n\t\n</div>",
      "css": "/* Write your custom CSS here */\n"

GET THEME - Get information about a specific theme in your account theme library.[ThemeID]

Note: Get requests will cache for 60 seconds. If you make repeated API get requests that are identical, the return will be cached and will thus return identical results.
Authentication Credentialsapi_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345

Response Example (.json format):

  "result_ok": true,
  "data": {
    "id": 68963,
    "status": "Active",
    "created": null,
    "name": "My Custom Theme",
    "style_options": {
      "custom-head": "",
      "theme_version": "2",
      "header image url": "//",
      "image align": "0 auto 0 0",
      "img width": "1",
      "img width max": "100",
      "body background opacity": "1",
      "background image style": "tile",
      "body background color": "#4e9644",
      "background grad orient": "vertical",
      "header background color": "#15676c",
      "header background opacity": "1",
      "page background color": "#86c600",
      "accent": "#bdf400",
      "accent text": "#000000",
      "title font family": "Montserrat",
      "title font size": "36px",
      "title font weight": "400",
      "header text color": "#eafde5",
      "base font family": "Arial",
      "base font size": "14px",
      "base font weight": "400",
      "base font color": "#eafde5",
      "survey title": "true",
      "title align": "left",
      "page title": "true",
      "page title align": "left",
      "page description": "true",
      "question numbers": "true",
      "required ast": "true",
      "question border": "true",
      "back button": "true",
      "progress bar": "true",
      "survey width number": "80",
      "survey width unit": "%",
      "page width number": "100",
      "page width unit": "%",
      "survey round corner number": "0",
      "question title": "true",
      "survey width": "80%",
      "page width": "100%",
      "powered by": "false",
      "auto mobile": "false",
      "so-masthead-image-show": "false",
      "replace icons": "true",
      "custom-head checked": false,
      "theme_version checked": false,
      "header image url checked": false,
      "image align checked": false,
      "img width checked": false,
      "img width max checked": false,
      "body background opacity checked": false,
      "background image style checked": false,
      "body background color checked": false,
      "background grad orient checked": false,
      "header background color checked": false,
      "header background opacity checked": false,
      "page background color checked": false,
      "accent checked": false,
      "accent text checked": false,
      "title font family checked": false,
      "title font size checked": false,
      "title font weight checked": false,
      "header text color checked": false,
      "base font family checked": false,
      "base font size checked": false,
      "base font weight checked": false,
      "base font color checked": false,
      "survey title checked": false,
      "title align checked": false,
      "page title checked": false,
      "page title align checked": false,
      "page description checked": false,
      "question numbers checked": false,
      "required ast checked": false,
      "question border checked": false,
      "back button checked": false,
      "progress bar checked": false,
      "survey width number checked": false,
      "survey width unit checked": false,
      "page width number checked": false,
      "page width unit checked": false,
      "survey round corner number checked": false,
      "question title checked": false,
      "survey width checked": false,
      "page width checked": false,
      "powered by checked": false,
      "auto mobile checked": false,
      "so-masthead-image-show checked": false,
      "replace icons checked": false,
      "theme_id": "68551",
      "style mode": "append",
      "theme_upgraded": "",
      "background image": "",
      "background gradient": "",
      "page background opacity": "1",
      "title web font name": "",
      "title web font url": "",
      "base web font name": "",
      "base web font url": "",
      "page top margin": "",
      "comment width": "",
      "table header width": "",
      "column width": ""
    "Body":"<!-- Google Font -->\n<link href='//,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>\n \n  <div class=\"sg-wrapper\">\n\t<div class=\"sg-header\">\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-header-hook-1\"></div>\n\t\t<img class=\"sg-header-image\" src=\"[template(\"header image url\")]\" alt=\"[template(\"header image text\")]\"/>\n\n\t\t[template(\"survey title\")]\n\t\t\n\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-header-hook-2\"></div>\n\t</div>\n\t<div class=\"sg-content\">\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-content-hook-1\"></div>\n\n\t\t[template(\"error message\")]\n     \t[template(\"page title\")]\n\t\t[template(\"page description\")]\n\t\t[template(\"page contents\")]\n\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-content-hook-2\"></div>\n\t\t\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-footer\">        \n\t\t\t<div class=\"sg-footer-hook-1\"></div>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t[template(\"button bar\")]\n\t\t\t[template(\"progress bar\")]\n\t\t\t[template(\"footer text\")]\n\t\n\t\t\t<div class=\"sg-footer-hook-2\"></div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\n\t</div>\n\t\n</div>",
    "css": "/* Write your custom CSS here */\n"

CREATE THEME - Create a new theme in your account theme library.

Authentication Credentialsapi_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345
nameTheme Name (e.g. My Custom Theme)False
header_image_urlurl for header imageFalse

1 - 100 (percentage width for header image)False
img_width_max1 - 100 (max percentage width for header image)False
background_imageurl for background imageFalse
body_background_opacity0.0 - 1.00 (the lower the value, the more transparent)False
background_image_stylecover, tile, left, right, centerFalse
background_body_color#efefef (hex code for background color - # should be encoded as %23)False
background_grad_orientvertical, horizontal (orientation of background gradient)False
header_background_color#3a8ea8 (hex code for header background color - # should be encoded as %23)False
header_background_opacity0.0 - 1.00 (the lower the value, the more transparent)False
page_background_color#3a8ea8 (hex code for page background color - # should be encoded as %23)False
page_background_opacity0.0 - 1.00 (the lower the value, the more transparent)False
accent#3a8ea8 (accent color - Next, Back, Submit buttons & Progress Bar completion bar - # should be encoded as %23)False
accent_text#ffffff (accent text color - # should be encoded as %23)False
title_font_familyMontserrat (font family for survey title text)False
title_font_size36px (font size for survey title text)False
title_font_weight400 (font weight for survey title text)False
title_web_font_nameWeb font name (if using custom web font for title text)False
title_web_font_urlWeb font url (if using custom web font for title text)False
header_text_color#ffffff (header text color - # should be encoded as %23)False
base_font_familyMonserrat (theme body font family)False
base_font_size14px (theme body font size)False
base_font_weight400 (theme body font weight)False
base_web_font_nameWeb font name (if using custom web font for title text)False
base_web_font_urlWeb font url (if using custom web font for title text)
base_web_font_colorWeb font colorFalse
survey_titletrue, false (show or hide survey title)False
title_alignleft, center, right (survey title alignment)False
page_titletrue, false (show or hide page title)False
question_numberstrue, false (show or hide question numbers)False
required_asttrue, false (show or hide required asterisk symbol)False
question_bordertrue, falseFalse
back_buttontrue, falseFalse
progress_bartrue, falseFalse
survey_width_number0 - 100 (survey width percentage) 100, 200, etc. (with in pixels)False
survey_width_unit%, px (specify width as percentage or pixel value)False
page_width_number0 - 100 (page width percentage) 100, 200, etc. (with in pixels)
page_width_unit%, px (specify width as percentage or pixel value)False
survey_round_corner_number0 - 100 (the higher the value, the more rounded the corners of the survey page)False
comment_width100, 200, etc. (width in px for Comment fields)False
table_header_with100, 200, etc. (width in px for Grid Question row headers)False
custom cssCustom CSS code (e.g. .sg-title{color:red;})
custom_headCustom Head HTML code
custom_htmlCustom HTML code (e.g. <div class="sg-wrapper">
<div class="sg-header">, etc.)

Response Example (.json format):

  "result_ok": true,
  "data": {
    "id": 68965,
    "status": "Active",
    "created": null,
    "name": "API Created Theme",
    "style_options": {
      "custom-head": "",
      "header image url": "//",
      "image align": "0 auto 0 0",
      "img width": "1",
      "img width max": "100",
      "body background opacity": "1.00",
      "background image style": "tile",
      "body background color": "#efefef",
      "background grad orient": "vertical",
      "header background color": "#3a8ea8",
      "header background opacity": "1.00",
      "page_background_opacity": "1.00",
      "accent": "#3a8ea8",
      "accent text": "#ffffff",
      "title font family": "Montserrat",
      "title font size": "36px",
      "title font weight": "400",
      "header text color": "#ffffff",
      "base font size": "14px",
      "base font weight": "400",
      "base font color": "#2c3e50",
      "survey title": "true",
      "title align": "left",
      "page title": "true",
      "question numbers": "true",
      "required ast": "true",
      "question border": "true",
      "back button": "true",
      "progress bar": "true",
      "survey width unit": "%",
      "page width number": "100",
      "page width unit": "%",
      "survey round corner number": "0",
      "question title": "true",
      "page width": "100%",
      "theme_version": "2",
      "powered by": "false",
      "page description": "false",
      "auto mobile": "false",
      "so-masthead-image-show": "false",
      "replace icons": "true",
      "custom-head checked": false,
      "header image url checked": false,
      "image align checked": false,
      "img width checked": false,
      "img width max checked": false,
      "body background opacity checked": false,
      "background image style checked": false,
      "body background color checked": false,
      "background grad orient checked": false,
      "header background color checked": false,
      "header background opacity checked": false,
      "page_background_opacity checked": false,
      "accent checked": false,
      "accent text checked": false,
      "title font family checked": false,
      "title font size checked": false,
      "title font weight checked": false,
      "header text color checked": false,
      "base font size checked": false,
      "base font weight checked": false,
      "base font color checked": false,
      "survey title checked": false,
      "title align checked": false,
      "page title checked": false,
      "question numbers checked": false,
      "required ast checked": false,
      "question border checked": false,
      "back button checked": false,
      "progress bar checked": false,
      "survey width unit checked": false,
      "page width number checked": false,
      "page width unit checked": false,
      "survey round corner number checked": false,
      "question title checked": false,
      "page width checked": false,
      "theme_version checked": false,
      "powered by checked": false,
      "page description checked": false,
      "auto mobile checked": false,
      "so-masthead-image-show checked": false,
      "replace icons checked": false
    "Body": "<!-- Google Font -->\r\n<link href='//,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>\r\n \r\n  <div class=\"sg-wrapper\">\r\n\t<div class=\"sg-header\">\r\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-header-hook-1\"></div>\r\n\t\t<img class=\"sg-header-image\" src=\"[template(\"header image url\")]\" alt=\"[template(\"header image text\")]\"/>\r\n\r\n\t\t[template(\"survey title\")]\r\n\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-header-hook-2\"></div>\r\n\t</div>\r\n\t<div class=\"sg-content\">\r\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-content-hook-1\"></div>\r\n\r\n\t\t[template(\"error message\")]\r\n     \t[template(\"page title\")]\r\n\t\t[template(\"page description\")]\r\n\t\t[template(\"page contents\")]\r\n\r\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-content-hook-2\"></div>\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-footer\">        \r\n\t\t\t<div class=\"sg-footer-hook-1\"></div>\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t[template(\"button bar\")]\r\n\t\t\t[template(\"progress bar\")]\r\n\t\t\t[template(\"footer text\")]\r\n\t\r\n\t\t\t<div class=\"sg-footer-hook-2\"></div>\r\n\t\t</div>\r\n\t\r\n\t</div>\r\n\t\r\n</div>",
    "css": ""

UPDATE THEME - Update/Change theme information.[ThemeID]?_method=POST

Authentication Credentialsapi_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345
nameTheme Name (i.e., My Custom Theme)False
header_image_urlurl for header imageFalse

1 - 100 (percentage width for header image)False
img_width_max1 - 100 (max percentage width for header image)False
background_imageurl for background imageFalse
body_background_opacity0.0 - 1.00 (the lower the value, the more transparent)False
background_image_stylecover, tile, left, right, centerFalse
background_body_color#efefef (hex code for background color - # should be encoded as %23)False
background_grad_orientvertical, horizontal (orientation of background gradient)False
header_background_color#3a8ea8 (hex code for header background color - # should be encoded as %23)False
header_background_opacity0.0 - 1.00 (the lower the value, the more transparent)False
page_background_color#3a8ea8 (hex code for page background color - # should be encoded as %23)False
page_background_opacity0.0 - 1.00 (the lower the value, the more transparent)False
accent#3a8ea8 (accent color - Next, Back, Submit buttons & Progress Bar completion bar - # should be encoded as %23)False
accent_text#ffffff (accent text color - # should be encoded as %23)False
title_font_familyMontserrat (font family for survey title text)False
title_font_size36px (font size for survey title text)False
title_font_weight400 (font weight for survey title text)False
title_web_font_nameWeb font name (if using custom web font for title text)False
title_web_font_urlWeb font url (if using custom web font for title text)False
header_text_color#ffffff (header text color - # should be encoded as %23)False
base_font_familyMonserrat (theme body font family)False
base_font_size14px (theme body font size)False
base_font_weight400 (theme body font weight)False
base_web_font_nameWeb font name (if using custom web font for title text)False
base_web_font_urlWeb font url (if using custom web font for title text)
base_web_font_colorWeb font colorFalse
survey_titletrue, false (show or hide survey title)False
title_alignleft, center, right (survey title alignment)False
page_titletrue, false (show or hide page title)False
question_numberstrue, false (show or hide question numbers)False
required_asttrue, false (show or hide required asterisk symbol)False
question_bordertrue, falseFalse
back_buttontrue, falseFalse
progress_bartrue, falseFalse
survey_width_number0 - 100 (survey width percentage) 100, 200, etc. (with in pixels)False
survey_width_unit%, px (specify width as percentage or pixel value)False
page_width_number0 - 100 (page width percentage) 100, 200, etc. (with in pixels)
page_width_unit%, px (specify width as percentage or pixel value)False
survey_round_corner_number0 - 100 (the higher the value, the more rounded the corners of the survey page)False
comment_width100, 200, etc. (width in px for Comment fields)False
table_header_with100, 200, etc. (width in px for Grid Question row headers)False
custom cssCustom CSS code (e.g. .sg-title{color:red;})
custom_headCustom Head HTML code
custom_htmlCustom HTML code (e.g. <div class="sg-wrapper">
<div class="sg-header">, etc.)

Response Example (.json format)

  "result_ok": true,
  "data": {
    "id": 68965,
    "status": "Active",
    "created": null,
    "name": "API Created Theme",
    "style_options": {
      "custom-head": "",
      "header image url": "//",
      "image align": "0 auto 0 0",
      "img width": "1",
      "img width max": "100",
      "body background opacity": "1.00",
      "background image style": "tile",
      "body background color": "#efefef",
      "background grad orient": "vertical",
      "header background color": "#3a8ea8",
      "header background opacity": "1.00",
      "page_background_opacity": "1.00",
      "accent": "#3a8ea8",
      "accent text": "#ffffff",
      "title font family": "Montserrat",
      "title font size": "36px",
      "title font weight": "400",
      "header text color": "#ffffff",
      "base font size": "14px",
      "base font weight": "400",
      "base font color": "#2c3e50",
      "survey title": "true",
      "title align": "left",
      "page title": "true",
      "question numbers": "true",
      "required ast": "true",
      "question border": "true",
      "back button": "true",
      "progress bar": "true",
      "survey width unit": "%",
      "page width number": "100",
      "page width unit": "%",
      "survey round corner number": "0",
      "question title": "true",
      "page width": "100%",
      "theme_version": "2",
      "powered by": "false",
      "page description": "false",
      "auto mobile": "false",
      "so-masthead-image-show": "false",
      "replace icons": "true",
      "custom-head checked": false,
      "header image url checked": false,
      "image align checked": false,
      "img width checked": false,
      "img width max checked": false,
      "body background opacity checked": false,
      "background image style checked": false,
      "body background color checked": false,
      "background grad orient checked": false,
      "header background color checked": false,
      "header background opacity checked": false,
      "page_background_opacity checked": false,
      "accent checked": false,
      "accent text checked": false,
      "title font family checked": false,
      "title font size checked": false,
      "title font weight checked": false,
      "header text color checked": false,
      "base font size checked": false,
      "base font weight checked": false,
      "base font color checked": false,
      "survey title checked": false,
      "title align checked": false,
      "page title checked": false,
      "question numbers checked": false,
      "required ast checked": false,
      "question border checked": false,
      "back button checked": false,
      "progress bar checked": false,
      "survey width unit checked": false,
      "page width number checked": false,
      "page width unit checked": false,
      "survey round corner number checked": false,
      "question title checked": false,
      "page width checked": false,
      "theme_version checked": false,
      "powered by checked": false,
      "page description checked": false,
      "auto mobile checked": false,
      "so-masthead-image-show checked": false,
      "replace icons checked": false
    "Body": "<!-- Google Font -->\r\n<link href='//,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>\r\n \r\n  <div class=\"sg-wrapper\">\r\n\t<div class=\"sg-header\">\r\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-header-hook-1\"></div>\r\n\t\t<img class=\"sg-header-image\" src=\"[template(\"header image url\")]\" alt=\"[template(\"header image text\")]\"/>\r\n\r\n\t\t[template(\"survey title\")]\r\n\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-header-hook-2\"></div>\r\n\t</div>\r\n\t<div class=\"sg-content\">\r\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-content-hook-1\"></div>\r\n\r\n\t\t[template(\"error message\")]\r\n     \t[template(\"page title\")]\r\n\t\t[template(\"page description\")]\r\n\t\t[template(\"page contents\")]\r\n\r\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-content-hook-2\"></div>\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t<div class=\"sg-footer\">        \r\n\t\t\t<div class=\"sg-footer-hook-1\"></div>\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t[template(\"button bar\")]\r\n\t\t\t[template(\"progress bar\")]\r\n\t\t\t[template(\"footer text\")]\r\n\t\r\n\t\t\t<div class=\"sg-footer-hook-2\"></div>\r\n\t\t</div>\r\n\t\r\n\t</div>\r\n\t\r\n</div>",
    "css": ""

DELETE THEME- Delete specific theme from  your survey.[SurveyID]/surveytheme/[themeID]?_method=DELETE

Authentication Credentialsapi_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345

Response Example (.json format):

  "result_ok": true,
  "status": "success"