SurveyResponse Sub-Object v5

The following API calls are currently available for the SurveyResponse object:

For info on returned fields and example returns go to SurveyResponse Sub-Object Returned Fields.

GET LIST - Get a list of all of your survey responses (excludes Deleted responses). View Example Return.

Note: Get requests will cache for 60 seconds. If you make repeated API get requests that are identical, the return will be cached and will thus return identical results.
Authentication Credentialsapi_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345True

GET SURVEYRESPONSE - Get information about a specified survey response.

Note: Get requests will cache for 60 seconds. If you make repeated API get requests that are identical, the return will be cached and will thus return identical results.
Authentication Credentialsapi_token=12345&api_token_secret=12345True

CREATE SURVEYRESPONSE - Create a new survey response. 

Compatible Question Types

While no specific data parameter is required, at least one data parameter must be passed in when creating/updating a response.

Authentication Credentialsapi_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345True
statusComplete, Partial, DisqualifiedFalse
data[ID][option SKU]
(Populate a select question using ID)
data[1][10001]=Yes (Option title or Reporting value**)False
(Populate an open-text question)
data[1][value]=Response textFalse
data[ID][option SKU-other]
(Populate other text field)
data[1][10005-other]=Response textFalse
(Populate comment field)
data[1][comment]=Response textFalse
data[Shortname][option SKU]
(Populate a select question using Shortname)
data[Shortname*][10001]=Yes (Option title or Reporting value**)False
(Populate an open-text question using Shortname)
data[Shortname*][value=Response text]
data[ID][option SKU-other]data[1][10005-other]=Response textFalse

*Shortname is case sensitive
**When populating a response for a checkbox question, if the reporting value includes a comma it must be URL encoded.

UPDATE SURVEYRESPONSE - Update a specified survey response.

Compatible Question Types

While no specific data parameter is required, at least one data parameter must be passed in when creating/updating a response.

Authentication Credentialsapi_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345True
statusComplete, Partial, DisqualifiedFalse
data[ID][option SKU]
(Update a select question using ID)
data[1][10001]=Yes (Option title or Reporting value**)False
(Update an open-text question)
data[1][value]=Response textFalse
data[ID][option SKU-other]
(Update other text field)
data[1][10005-other]=Response textFalse
(Update comment field)
data[1][comment]=Response textFalse
data[Shortname][option SKU]
(Update a select question using Shortname)
data[Shortname*][10001]=Yes (Option title or Reporting value**)False
(Update an open-text question using Shortname)
data[Shortname*][value=Response text]False

*Shortname is case sensitive
**When populating a response for a checkbox question, if the reporting value includes a comma it must be URL encoded.

DELETE SURVEYRESPONSE - Delete a specified surveyresponse.

Authentication Credentialsapi_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345True

Sorting and Filtering SurveyResponse Returns

When pulling surveyresponses it is fairly common to sort and filter the responses that return. Below we cover sorting and filtering the surveyresponse object. Learn more about filtering other objects in our Filtering Tutorial.

Sorting SurveyResponse Returns

The use of the order_by parameter is restricted to only accept the following values:

  • date_submitted (ascending order)
  • -date_submitted (descending order)

Filtering SurveyResponse Returns

Filtering can be used in conjunction with the GET method on the surveyresponse object. Filtering is not supported in the PUT, POST or DELETE methods. Learn more about filtering other objects in our Filtering Tutorial.


Possible FieldsExampleAssociated Objects
Question Option[question(2), option(10001)]surveyresponse
URL Variable[url("variablename")]*surveyresponse
Date Submitted (EST/EDT or GMT -5/GMT -4)date_submittedsurveyresponse
Is Test Datais_test_datasurveyresponse
Contact ID (v4 API only)contact_idsurveyresponse
Statusstatussurveyresponse, survey, surveycampaign

*URL Encode the square brackets and the double quotes.


OperationSyntaxRequires a Value
Is Equal To=True
Is Not Equal To<> or !=True
Greater Than>True
Less Than<True
Less Than or Equal To<=True
Greater Than or Equal To>=True
Is Answered / Is Not BlankIS NOT NULLFalse
Is Not Answered / Is BlankIS NULLFalse
In Comma Separated ListinTrue

Filtering Examples

This query would return responses with question-id 2 answered yes.[field][0]=[question(2)]&filter[operator][0]==&filter[value][0]=yes

This query would return responses with submission times greater than or equal to 2011-02-23 13:23:28 and with the status of Complete.[field][0]=date_submitted&filter[operator][0]=>=&filter[value][0]=2011-02-23+13:23:28&filter[field][1]=status&filter[operator][1]==&filter[value][1]=Complete

Browsing Survey Responses

Returns default to 50 results for page. Use the page and resultsperpage parameters to customize your return for these calls.

ParameterExampleAssociated Objects
pagepage=3surveyresponse, survey, surveycampaign, surveyquestion, surveypage, contact
resultsperpage*resultsperpage=100 (max=500)surveyresponse, survey

*Note: The limit for resultsperpage is 500 (subject to change), if set over the limit it will default back to the limit.

Browsing Examples

To view a different page of results use the page parameter. The below call would return results 101-150 as results are displayed 50 per page.

To view more results per page use the resultsperpage parameter. The below call would return results 1-100.

Use the page and resultsperpage parameters in conjunction. This below call would return results 201-300.