Quotas Sub-Object v5

The following API calls are currently available for the Quotas object:

The Quota Sub Object is intended for use with the Segmented Quotas feature in Alchemer. This object does not function with Overall Quotas. If one is looking to manipulate an Overall Quota, refer to the Survey Object help page, using 

use the CREATE or UPDATE calls with the parameter options[overall_quota].

GET LIST - Get a list of all of your survey quotas. 

Authentication Credentialsapi_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345True

GET QUOTAS - Get information about a specified quota. 

Authentication Credentialsapi_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345True

CREATE QUOTAS - Create a new quotas. 

Authentication Credentialsapi_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345True
nameThis is my quota nameTrue
descriptionThis is my quota descriptionFalse
groupsURL encoded JSON file see examplesTrue

UPDATE QUOTAS - Update a specified quota. 

Authentication Credentialsapi_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345True
nameThis is my quota nameFalse
descriptionThis is my quota descriptionFalse
groupsURL encoded JSON file - see examplesFalse

Groups JSON Examples and Reference

In order to specify groups you will need to send a JSON file* with your rules.

*Depending on your implementation, you many need to convert the JSON to string format and URL encode it.

Each rule has the following parameters:


This is the type of field you are referencing. Most often, this will be the Question ID. 

If you wish to specify groups based on something other than the a question this will be equivalent to the left dropdown menu in the logic builder in the UI. Field types can be found by referencing the below list or by inspecting element within the logic builder in the UI.

Possible Values for input_value

  • Survey Question: {Question ID}
  • Time Taken On Survey: 15_timetaken
  • Current Date: 6_date
  • Is Mobile (true/false): 21_mobile
  • IP Address: 5_ip
  • Country: 8_country 
  • Region: 9_region
  • Postal Code: 19_postal
  • City: 10_city
  • Contact ID: 13_id
  • Email Address: 13_emailaddress
  • First Name: 13_firstname
  • Last Name: 13_lastname
  • Organization: 13_organization
  • Department: 13_department
  • Division: 13_division
  • Team: 13_team
  • Group: 13_group
  • Role: 13_role
  • Is Manager: 13_isManager
  • Home Phone: 13_homephone
  • Fax Number: 13_fax
  • Business Phone: 13_workphone
  • Mailing Address: 13_street
  • State/Region: 13_region
  • Postal Code: 13_postal
  • Country: 13_country
  • Title: 13_jobtitle
  • Custom 1-10: 13_custom1-10
  • Mailing Address 2: 13_suite
  • City: 13_city


This is the operator used in the logic rule.

Possible Values for operator

  • is exactly equal to: 4
  • is not exactly equal to: 22
  • is one of the following answers: 12
  • us not one of the following answers: 5
  • greater than: 6
  • greater than or equal to: 7
  • less than: 9
  • less than or equal to: 8
  • Date after or equal to: 23
  • Date before or equal to: 24
  • is answered: 20
  • is not answered: 21
  • matches regex pattern: 14
  • does not match regex pattern: 15
  • is true: 26
  • is false: 27
  • contains: 10
  • is always true: 25


This is the type of data that is contained in the field specified in input_type.

Possible Values for answers_type

  • Open-text Field: 2
  • Input Field (Radio, Checkboxes, Drop-down Menus, etc.): 17


These are the actual values you wish to filter by.

Possible Values for answers_values

  • QID-OPTIONID - i.e. 27-10021 for question with QID 27 and answer option with OptionID 10021
  • String  - open-text questions and system data such as city, region, country, IP, etc. 


This is the next operator you wish to use to group your conditions.

Possible Values for next_operator (distributed=false)

  • "and"
  • "or"

Example JSON file for the groups parameter with distributed=false (_method=PUT):

Depending on your implementation, you many need to convert the JSON to string format and URL encode it.

      "rules": [
          "input_value": "26",
          "operator": "12",
          "answers_type": "17",
          "answers_values": [
          "next_operator": "and"
          "input_value": "27",
          "operator": "12",
          "answers_type": "17",
          "answers_values": [
          "next_operator": ""
      "next_operator": "or"
      "rules": [
          "input_value": "19_postal",
          "operator": "4",
          "answers_type": "2",
          "answers_values": "82334",
          "next_operator": ""
      "next_operator": "and"
      "rules": [
          "input_value": "10_city",
          "operator": "4",
          "answers_type": "2",
          "answers_values": "Sinclair",
          "next_operator": "or"
          "input_value": "8_country",
          "operator": "4",
          "answers_type": "2",
          "answers_values": "USA",
          "next_operator": "or"
          "input_value": "5_ip",
          "operator": "4",
          "answers_type": "2",
          "answers_values": "",
          "next_operator": ""
      "next_operator": "and"
      "rules": [
          "input_value": "13_region",
          "operator": "4",
          "answers_type": "2",
          "answers_values": "WY",
          "next_operator": ""
      "next_operator": ""

Example JSON file for the groups parameter with distributed=true (_method=PUT):

Depending on your implementation, you many need to convert the JSON to string format and URL encode it.

    "rules": [
        "input_value": "26",
        "operator": "12",
        "answers_type": "17",
        "answers_values": [
        "rule_percentage": "80"
        "input_value": "26",
        "operator": "12",
        "answers_type": "17",
        "answers_values": [
        "rule_percentage": "20"
    "rules": [
        "input_value": "27",
        "operator": "12",
        "answers_type": "17",
        "answers_values": [
        "rule_percentage": "90"
        "input_value": "27",
        "operator": "12",
        "answers_type": "17",
        "answers_values": [
        "rule_percentage": "10"

Example JSON file for the groups parameter with distributed=false (_method=POST):

Depending on your implementation, you many need to convert the JSON to string format and URL encode it.

    "id": "58891b4ea7b14",
    "rules": [
        "id": "58891b4ea7b63",
        "input_value": "20",
        "operator": "12",
        "answers_type": "17",
        "answers_values": [

Note: id value (highlighted above) is required to update quota rules using the POST method.

DELETE QUOTA - Delete a specified quota. 

Authentication Credentialsapi_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345True

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