Create an Image Heatmap Question via API

Looking to create an Image Heatmap question via the API? You'll need use the surveyquestion and surveyoption endpoints to fully build out the question.

1. Create the Image Heatmap Question

Start by creating the Image Heatmap question with the below endpoint.

Rest method: PUT


Required fields: type=heatmap

Other non-required but necessary fields: title={This%20is%20my%20question%20text}, properties[heatmap_image]={https://url-of-your-image.jpg}

2. Create your Image Heatmap Options

Now you're ready to add your Image Heatmap options via the below endpoint.

Rest method: PUT


Required fields: title={Option Title}, value={Reporting Value}

Other non-required but necessary fields: properties[heatmap-color]={f06486} (this is a hex code without the #)