Popular Articles

  1. SurveyResponse Sub-Object

    The following API calls are currently available for the SurveyResponse object: GET LIST Filtering SurveyResponse Returns GET SURVEYRESPONSE CREATE SURVEYRESPONSE UPDATE SURVEYRESPONSE DELETE SURVEYRESPONSE For info on ...
  2. Survey Returned Fields v5

    Returned fields for the Survey object are explained below. Go to the Example Returns section to view return examples for each call type. Returned Fields for the Survey Object Field Description Format id Survey ID string team[id] ...
  3. US, EU, or Canada API

    All of our API resources will use api.alchemer.com in example calls, however, if you are using an EU or Canadian account, your calls must use either the api.alchemer.eu or api.alchemer-ca.com domains. Not sure if your account is US, EU, or Can...
  4. SurveyResponse Returned Fields v5

    Returned fields for the SurveyResponse object are explained below. Go to the Example Returns section to view return examples for each call type. Returned Fields for the SurveyResponse Object Field Description Format id Response ID st...
  5. Account Object v5

    The GET LIST call is the only call available for the Account object. Resellers can create new accounts (contact sales@sgizmo.com to learn more). GET LIST - Get details regarding your Alchemer account. Get requests will cache for 60 seconds. I...
  6. SurveyContact Sub-Object v5

    Contacts records are stored within our system using the email address as the key. A single record per email address is stored per account. Email address and all standard contact fields are stored at the account level. This means that changes to the...
  7. Security and Developers' Tools FAQ

    Alchemer offers a number of features that can simplify keeping data safe in your account while using the API and other advanced features available to developers. This article is an overview of security from a developers point of view. Who has acc...
  8. Filters - Version 5

    Filtering can be used in conjunction with the GET method on the following objects and sub-objects: survey, surveycampaign, surveyresponse, and accountuser. Filtering is not supported in the PUT, POST or DELETE methods. Basic Structure A filter is ...
  9. Version 5 Returned Fields

    The API returns data as json by default, but you can also choose to return data in pson, xml and a 'debug' format. Simply specify the format as the file extension in the url. json restapi.alchemer.com/v5/survey/123456/surveypage/1 .json...
  10. Filters - Versions 4 and under

    Note: The following information referes to versions 4 and under of the API. Access version 5 filtering information here . Filtering can be used in conjunction with the GET method on the following objects and sub-objects: survey, surveycampaign, su...